Proper handling of landslides needed to avoid miseries: Heavy shower paralyse civic life in Port City

Chattogram Bureau :
Dazzling to heavy shower continuing in port city as elsewhere in the district for the last three days. From last night onwards the speed of the rainfall increased to maximum extents caused civic life . . Low lying areas of the city and some important crossing in city submerged from the morning of Wednesday .
 On Thursday , city experienced heavy shower from early morning causing civic life. Vulnerable hill pockets in the city feared landslides at any movement. City Corporation, CMP and district administration is in the process to evict the hill residents from hill-pockets. Proper handling to save the hill residents badly need of in the city with permanent settlement.
Chattogram region is especially vulnerable due to various aspects, ranging from physical, social, political and environmental factors. It goes without saying that comprehensive, well-coordinated steps by the government are needed for sustainable landslide hazard management.
A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of “mass wasting,” which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity. The term “landslide” encompasses five modes of slope movement falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows. These are further subdivided by the type of geologic material. Debris flows and rock falls are examples of common landslide types.
Almost every landslide has multiple causes. Slope movement occurs when forces acting down-slope (mainly due to gravity) exceed the strength of the earth materials that compose the slope. Causes include factors that increase the effects of down-slope forces and factors that contribute to low or reduced strength.
Landslides can be initiated in slopes already on the verge of movement by rainfall, snowmelt, changes in water level, stream erosion, changes in ground water, earthquakes, volcanic activity, disturbance by human activities, or any combination of these factors. Earthquake shaking and other factors can also induce landslides underwater. These landslides are called submarine landslides. Submarine landslides sometimes cause tsunamis that damage coastal areas.
Landslide has always been a geological hazard in Bangladesh, especially in the southeastern part of the country. Southwest monsoon flows over the Bay of Bengal, heading towards northeast India and Bangladesh, picking up more moisture from the Bay from June through September.