Heat wave costs a life

People drinking juice, now on sales in the city streets, to get a bit relief from blistering temperature as heat wave sweeps the country. These juices are being prepared in an unhygienic condition. This photo was taken from the city's Gulistan area on Tu
People drinking juice, now on sales in the city streets, to get a bit relief from blistering temperature as heat wave sweeps the country. These juices are being prepared in an unhygienic condition. This photo was taken from the city's Gulistan area on Tu

Staff Reporter :
The blistering temperatures that persisted across the country for the last few days has crippled normal life, with the highest 37.8 degrees Celsius recorded in Jessore on Tuesday.
Water crisis and frequent power failure have added to the miseries of the people. Acute water crisis in many areas, specially of Dhaka and other cities of the country, has mounted sufferings of the dwellers.
A heatstroke claimed a man’s life in Parshuram Upazila of Feni district, according to our correspondent. Bangladesh’s hottest months are May and June. The heat wave will continue for three more days, said Met office on Tuesday.
The sultry weather has also been hampering the harvest of Irri paddy as farmers as well as labourers are unable to stay in the paddy fields for longer time under the scorching sun. The farmers are complaining of huge load-shedding against the power authorities who claimed to have rationed power in urban areas for smooth power supply to the agriculture sector.
City dwellers’ sufferings deepened for the failure to supply adequate water by the Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority.
Fares for manually driven rickshaws, vans and pushcarts are on the rise due to the unbearable heat.
 “I have been drinking saline water every half an hour to counter the severe sweating. The heat is like hell and it would not be possible to pull rickshaw if I do not drink a lot of water,” a rickshaw-puller said yesterday.
Sales of seasonal fruits like watermelons, iced juices, and ice cream have also gone up due to high demand, and the sales persons are also taking advantage of the situation by hiking prices of these products.
People are falling ill due to the heatwave. Diarrhoea, heatstroke and vomiting are now the most common ailments of the elderly people and children, say physicians.
They added cases of skin rash, eruption, blister, heat rash, headache, eye-ache and skin burn have marked a rise. Diseases like high blood pressure, asthma and fever have also increased.
The high humidity levels hindered life at all levels, as people are falling ill or show reluctance to leave home in the sweltering heat.
When contacted, the duty-forecasting officer of the Met office on Tuesday said heatwave will continue for three more days.
 “There seems to be no immediate end to this situation and the heatwave may remain high for more three days. Only adequate rains can bring relief from such extremely hot weather,” he told The New Nation.
A cool wind from the sea and pre-monsoon rains will only bring respite to the people, he said.
Mild heat wave is sweeping over Dhaka, Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisal divisions and the regions of Chandpur and Noakhali and it may continue, said a Met office press release yesterday noon.
When contacted, physician Nazrul Islam, ex-Director, Directorate General of Health Services, advised people to stay indoors or shady places.
 “We will have to drink sufficient water and eat fruits,” he said.  
He suggested that people should refrain from drinking the juices vendors sell at the city streets.
 “Many people are seen drinking juices now selling in the city streets. These juices are being prepared in an unhygienic condition. If people drink these juices, they will fall sick,” he said.
