Healthy eating during monsoon


Life Desk :
The rains not only play havoc on your skin, but on your health as well. There’s a host of infections and diseases that do the rounds during this season. And to ensure that you stay healthy, eating the right kind of fruits and vegetables is crucial.
Infections and diseases on the rise: Apart from ensuring that you don’t venture out in the rain to catch a cold or flu, eating seasonal fruits like cherries and apricots are a must. Apart from this, eat lots of green vegetables which will protect you in this season from being infected with any chronic disease. Stay away from spicy and junk food: Eating food outdoors is an absolute no-no.
We are often tempted to eat all that cheesy and unhygienic food when it’s pouring outdoors, but these foods do more harm than good to your body. Binging once in a while is okay, but don’t make it an every day habit.
