Health Education

Body And Mind Fitness Matter


Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid :
Physically and emotionally healthy, strong and clean students can beautify their lives and no negative thoughts can enter into them. They can achieve very good results even in education. Health education is a unique contributor to the shared curricular activities of enhanced self-esteem, self-direction, positive social development and cooperative behaviour. Furthermore, students who are physically active and fit have expected learning outcomes than those less fit, since physical activities also improve the mental, emotional, and physical status. Health promotion has been described as ‘the main goal of health education in many countries’. Policies promoting physical activity in schools are important in combating the supposed obesity/health crisis. Two main aims of sports pedagogy have been defined as follows: educating to become physically active and educating with the help of sports. Educating to become physically active means — teaching skills, values and knowledge regarding physical exercises, healthy ways of life and how to take care of personal health. Educating with the help of sport means — using the sport as an instrument to support the personal growth of children and youths.
Sports are important for man’s all round development and for living healthy life. Previously man used to remain healthy by playing various outdoor games and thereby doing physical exercise. Now the games are played on digital devices so the life has become idle. Health education makes the immunity of our body stronger and so makes body more beautiful. Beautiful body is considered as the first step towards success in life. The significance of strong body lies in the happiness that students get after doing some hard physical or mental work. Happiness of fresh life is possible only through hard work. It is physical work and effort through which we can fulfil our all the basic needs. Strong body is always healthy. Strong and healthy body can protect itself from various diseases because its immunity also remains strong.
The saying is heard that healthy mind resides in healthy body. A healthy body is the gateway for reaching the supreme soul. Strong and healthy body can give boost strength and increases the self confidence. Health/physical education develops not only self discipline but also supports to maintain external discipline on man. Well organised life style leads every students towards living happy and peaceful life.
Today there are entertaining games and skills available for playing. The saying “One way for Two” comes to true when student gets both the physical advantage and the entertainment through health education. Health education is helpful for creating intimacy with society. It prepares an ideal citizen unknowingly and unintentionally. And such ideal citizen breathes in the air of freedom in the society being free from limited narrow mindedness. He creates happiness not only for himself but also for the society.
Significance of Health Education: (1) The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardiovascular health. It improves the absorption of nutrients by the body, improves digestive processes and increases physiological processes; (2) The participation in Health/Physical Education in educational institutions provides a positive influence on a student’s personality, character and self-esteem. In addition, the team-building process enhances communication skills, and the skills required to get along and cooperate with students of varying ethnic backgrounds and personalities; (3) High school is an age where students misinterpret the meaning of “overweight” and eating disorders prevail. Physical health and education informs students on sound eating practices and the essential guidelines for nutrition. (4) High School level students have substantial amounts of stress due to curriculum, homework, families and peer pressures. Involvements in sports, recreational activities or other forms of physical fitness offer a method of stress relief. (5) Health education programmes provide defensive benefits for health for the entire lifetime, preparation for the physical cores of daily life and options for the use of leisure time and supports student in meaningful ways for full participation in the world of work and positive citizenship. It enhances healthy lifestyles and physical competence which are basic for getting an effective learning outcome after all to success in all areas of life. (6) There is no doubt that carrying a full course load at school can be stressful. Sometimes, students feel overwhelmed with the amount of work needed to satisfy curriculum requirements. Health Education is one way to release this stress. It is an outlet for releasing anxiety and tension. It helps facilitate the stability and well-being of students. (7) Health Education assists students with socialisation. While students are participating in physical activities on a team, they are helping each other achieve a common goal. This type of pitching in for a common goal builds teamwork. It provides students with an opportunity to gain positive skills in dealing with people. These are skills that would be will need throughout their entire lives. The same skills that students use in building their relationships in the gym, they will use while building up their team in the workplace later on in their lives. (8) Health Education is a great way to help students build self-esteem. It instills a sense of well-being and self-worth in students. While students are learning new things in the gym and mastering it, they are reinforcing their self-esteem. Students, who take part in physical education, are confident, independent, self-controlled and assertive. The good news is that these are skills that students can take away from the gym and use in their everyday lives.
To ensure that students are physically and mentally healthy, they must adhere to the following health rules-maintaining physical cleanliness, taking regular baths, keeping teeth and mouth clean, hair care, cutting nails regularly, cleaning hands before taking meals, practicing timely excretion, protecting the house cleanliness, eating timely and properly, wearing clean clothes, participate regular sports and exercise, adequate rest and sleep and the abandonment of bad habits

(Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid, Research Officer, District Education Office, Secondary and Higher Education, Munshiganj)
