POEM: Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Oa Sallam

-M Mizanur Rahman
O dearest to our heart and soul
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Oa Sallam,
We keep ever your pure and pious name
at the recess of our heart in all.
The sun and the moon and planets and stars
lay innumerable on the night sky illuminated
where your sacred name with Allah’s sacred name
very praiseworthily all along we are singing with psalm
at our sacred heart and soul in all.
That’s ever pious and sacred soul of ever unseen Allah
Stay ever all along in our faith all the day and night, Ah!
Along wtth hills and mountains by the plains and deserts
And green trees, creepers, plants all ever praying hearts!
Muhammad means truth signifying the truth
of Allah, the Great!
We’ ve ever great strength unalienable Allah, strength
Of ever equality among human beings, ie, the Creed of Islam
Of human essence with the sense of equal status, a human psalm!
Khilafat – Islamic administration
Where all human beings are to be treated equally as Islamic bond drawn
While Islamic legislation is drawn and practiced
For the emancipation of all human beings with equal status
in the law to be practiced in force of humanitarian creeds.
Those Hazrat Abu Baqr, Umar, Usman, and Ali practiced.
They, in their terms of administration practiced Islamic law.
Later the followers of Islam brought about a great stride towards
Scientific development and spread of knowledge adding wonders!
O great pioneer of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Oa Sallam),
You emancipated humanity from inhuman orthodox religious practice
to simple practice of humanitarian religion of peace
You emancipated humanity from the clutch of oppression and mal practice
and brought on earth humanitarianism and thereby love and peace.
You taught us human affinity, equal status,
and all are equal in the eyes of law, is Islam,
Emancipation from all mal-practice, establishing equal rights for all,
love for all equally without distinction is Islam, that you preach for all,
Are we Muslim practicing Islam that way, Hazrat?
That’s distant past you lit the light of knowledge of human equality
In desert Arabia, O the friend of humanity,
We are to practice that ritual identity.
Hazrat, you were never hankering after ill-got money;
You had never been crafty and cunny,
Simply you were the lover of humanity,
 Islam has no greed, and no love for ill-got money.
Let’s control our amoral sensitivity, temptation, and greed for money
And learn Islam in the truest sense of the term
that our Great Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) taught us Islam.
O Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), the great friend of humanity,
Let us follow your path of light of wisdom that is Islam
and do good for humanity
irrespective of their different faith
Being human beings let’s love humanity
without any distinction of cast, creed or any other sectarian term.
That’s the teaching of Islam.