Hasina greets Suu Kyi over phone

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday phoned Aung San Suu Kyi and congratulated her as her party won the Myanmar parliamentary elections.
PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim said the Prime Minister made the phone call to Suu Kyi at 4:25 pm.
She congratulated Suu Kyi on behalf of her government and party, and the people of Bangladesh, her family and her sister Sheikh Rehana.
Hasina told Suu Kyi that the people of Myanmar gave her a huge mandate in return of her long struggle
 and sacrifice for establishng democracy. Suu Kyi told the Bangladesh Prime Minister that she is continuing her struggle for democracy.
Hasina also said that, she is still carrying out her efforts for protecting democracy in Bangladesh. “The Prime Minister offers all-out support to Suu Kyi,” the PM’s Press Secretary said.
Suu Kyi thanked the Prime Minister for calling her and offering her support.