Hasina for changing traditional lens of Bangladesh-UK relations


UNB, London :

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said time has come to change the traditional lens of Bangladesh-UK bilateral relations.
“Indeed, it’s time for a ‘reset’ in Bangladesh-UK bilateral relations. We need to change the traditional lens we use to view our partnership,” she said.
The Prime Minister came up with the view while addressing the British Parliament on the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence titled ‘Bangladesh at 50: The Resilient Delta’ on Wednesday.
She said the engagements of the two countries should now be truly strategic, and draw on their cooperation in peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, maritime and aviation security.
The vibrant British-Bangladeshi diaspora must remain at the centre of partnership of the two countries, she added.
“We take pride in our Diaspora. I’m pleased to see their growing representation at Westminster – all five of them women at the moment! I’m confident that there’ll be more of them in this great parliament of diversity,” she hoped.
