Hanif wants Salim Osman to apologise

UNB, Kushtia :
Awami League joint general secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif on Thursday humiliating him in public.
“We, on behalf of Awami League, have strongly condemned and protested the humiliation of Narayanganj schoolteacher. We’ve also urged Selim Osman to apologize to the teacher and the nation. We hope he’ll
do that realising his wrongdoing,” he said.
The ruling party leader came up with the remarks while talking to reporters at his residence here in the morning.
On May 13, locals beat up Shyamal Kanti Bhakta, headmaster of Piyar Sattar Latif High School in Bandar area of Narayanganj, for allegedly hurting religious sentiment. At one stage, local MP Salim Osman forced him to sit up and down holding his ears. The incident went viral on social media and sparked off widespread criticisms.
Hanif said BNP has joined hands with Israel, the most hated country to the Muslims of the world, to oust the government through a plot. “Political parties go to people for going to power, but BNP out of its greed for assuming office through a conspiracy has begged Israel’ s help. It’s a shameless attitude of the party,” he added.