Hair: A mirror for your health

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Having bad hair days often? Here is when you should be worried.
With the change of season, our hair is often the first thing to suffer the effects of the cold weather. But if your concerns are more severe than a bit of extra frizz, it could mean something more sinister. Here are lists of symptoms that will manifest on your locks if you suffer from a condition that warrants a visit to the doc.
Dry brittle hair: Regular use of hair strengtheners and curling irons will naturally affect the quality of your mane. But very often what robs your hair of luster and shine and results in excessive hair fall is actually dehydration. Hair experts recommend downing an additional two liters of water in a day and avoid alcohol, sugar and caffeine. If this doesn’t repair the condition, and hair continues to remain extremely brittle, it could also be a sign of a thyroid problem. A GP or a trichologist would be in a position to recommend tests to verify this. A mild imbalance can be corrected by lifestyle and diet changes and by avoiding stress and eating healthy. HAIR CARE: Take a daily supplement rich in vitamin D, minerals, Omega 3 and copper.
Dandruff scaly scalp: Almost every second person suffers from dandruff and pays little note of what could be causing it.While mild dandruff may not be of concern, severe and repeated dandruff could hint at a weak immune system. One should get enough rest and avoid tension and check if it reduces the occurrence. Other conditions such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema can also cause the problem but these will affect other parts of the body too. HAIR CARE: Wash your hair with a medicated dandruff shampoo that contains salicylic acid.
Hair thinning: Statistics say that 30 percent of women suffer from hair thinning post-menopause. This is said to be a result of hormonal imbalances which can also result in hair loss.
-Times of India