Gunmen abduct Cumilla AL leader in city

Staff Reporter :
Parvez Hossain Sarker, Awami League’s (AL) Cumilla North district unit President, was picked up at gunpoint in filmy-style on Friday afternoon from the city’s Lalmatia area in a broad daylight – what appears to be a kidnapping attempt so far.
The gunmen tucked Parvez away in a car at the gates of his city residence when he was returning from Lalmatia Minar Mosque after Friday
Jumma prayers, said Mrittunjay Dey, Assistant Commissioner (Mohammadpur) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP).
Parvez was a former Upazila Parishad Chairman of Comilla’s Titas upazila with Awami League’s(AL) ticket from 2009 to 2014. Parvez lived in Lalmatia house with his wife and two sons. He was trying to secure a nomination from Awami League to contest for Cumilla Constituency-2 (Titas-Homna) in the next general election.
The victim’s cousin Fahad Bhuiyan said that Parvez was returning to his residence Block NO. C, Road No 27 at Lalmatia after Jumma prayers when he was whisked away in a black Pajero.
“Four armed men stopped Parvez from entering his home and after a brief conversation took him away in that vehicle. They were also carrying walky-talkies,” he said.
Fahad said the entire incident was captured in a CCTV camera installed on a nearby building.
“After informing the police about the incident, we have collected and handed over the footages to them. The number on that Pajero’s license plate was Dhaka Metro GA 14-2577,” he added.
Tahmina Afroz, wife of Parvez, said, the ruling party another leader and political rival and Titas upazila’s Vice-Chairman Sohel Shikdar and his men might have been behind the abduction.
She said Sohel’s men had also opened fire at Parvez’s car about a year ago when he visited his village home at Titas
Witnesses said, the other two men were waiting in front of the car, which sped away from the area right after Parvez was picked up.
Locals said, the CCTV footage showed that one of the men, who picked up Parvez, was following the Awami League leader. When Parvez arrived in front of his house, another man was seen to be waiting there.
The second man approached Parvez and shook his hands as the first man joined them. Later, they forcibly took him to an adjacent street, which is outside the camera’s range, and made him get into the Pajero and left.
Mohammadpur Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Jamal Uddin Mir said that they were already notified by Parvez’s family members.
“We are looking into the matter seriously and taking everything into account,” he said.