Group painting exhibition Joloj (Aquatic)

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
The group painting exhibition titled Joloj or Aquatic is being held at
the La Galerie of the Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD)
in the city’s Dhanmondi area now.
Eminent artist Prof Mahmudul Haque, Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury and Ferdous Khan, CEO,
Amada Real Estate Ltd, among
others, were present at the opening
ceremony of the exhibition.
Traditionally, the people of Bangladesh used to grow up in an atmosphere where water is a ubiquitous part. Nowadays we see skyscrapers everywhere, but the long-standing
feelings of water still remain. At times it stimulates every person and their
particularly personal emotions.
Joloj or ‘Aquatic’ is an endeavour by Bishan Bhakta, Golam Moshiur Rahman Choudhury, Md Al-Akhir Sarkar, and Sadek Ahmed consisted of these very feelings which makes one recall that he or she was one from the riverbanks with very exclusive dreams and aspirations.
The malleability in the point of view that makes a Bangladeshi Bangladeshi has its roots in the earth and clay they grow up with that have water in their essence to begin with. Finally, the artists are inspired by the mystique
of the Mughal Muslim tradition,
the Kali temple etc.
Golam Moshiur’s paintings show the struggle of life. The agony of human being which he portrays in his artworks may make a long impact to the visitor’s mind. Bishan’s artworks are deeply attached with the nature. He
usually paints his thought and likes
to expose what he loves.
Al- Akhir Sarker wanted to dig out his inner feelings, very personal and free feelings, at the same time the very
traditional feelings of Bengali people in his paintings.
Sadek always want to express his
emotion with light and shade and lost city is the subject of his painting.
The exhibition will continue
till January 11. n