Greek PM in Moscow to meet Putin

AFP, Moscow :
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was due to meet Kremlin strongman Vladimir Putin in Moscow Wednesday as part of an eye-catching visit that has fuelled EU fears that cash-strapped Athens is cosying up to Russia.
The two-day trip comes as Tsipras is battling to unblock a rescue package from the EU and IMF, with some in Brussels warning against any move to barter financial support from Moscow for political backing over the Ukraine crisis.
But analysts say that while the visit might see Moscow lift an embargo on Greek fruit, overall it is more about political grandstanding aimed at pressuring Europe rather than a serious shift in policy.
Tsipras, a former Communist who came to power in January, has made no secret of seeking closer ties to Russia at a time when Moscow is at loggerheads with the European Union over the conflict in Ukraine.
The Greek premier — who travelled to Moscow last year prior to his election win — laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin ahead of his sit-down with Putin.
A number of Greek officials have openly broached the prospect of Athens turning to Russia or China for financial assistance if loan talks with the EU end in failure.
Ahead of the trip, Tsipras once again rattled the EU’s already shaky stance over Ukraine by lashing out at Western sanctions against Moscow as “a road to nowhere”.