Greece’s Varoufakis to meet Lagarde ahead of IMF deadline

AFP, Athens :
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis will meet IMF chief Christine Lagarde in Washington on Sunday ahead of the country’s April 9 deadline for its next payment to the fund.
Varoufakis and Lagarde will have “an unofficial discussion on the Greek government’s reform programme”, according to a Greek Ministry of Finance statement on Saturday.
Another government source told AFP that Varoufakis “will also meet with United States Treasury officials” on Monday, including Under Secretary for International Affairs Nathan Sheets.
The meetings come amid speculation that Athens might fail to meet the 460-million-euro ($501-million) IMF instalment if forced to choose between the IMF and paying government workers.
Greece has not received the remaining funds in its 240-billion-euro EU-IMF rescue package as Brussels has demanded to first approve Greece’s revised reform plan.