Selecting nominees in UP polls: Grassroots BNP faces internal feud

Ehsanul Haque Jasim :
The grassroots leaders of the BNP in many places have engaged in internal feud centering selection of party candidates in the country’s first-ever party-based Union Parishad (UP) elections.
Many BNP activists alleged that their grassroot leaders, particularly those who are leading the Upazila and Union committees, in some places are engaged in nomination business. Many inactive leaders, who are unpopular in the area, have already got nomination through lobbying or in exchange of money, said the BNP activists.
This practice is increasing internal feud among the party men while it is also creating fresh internal conflict in many areas. Who are depriving of nomination they are standing as rebel candidates or raising voice against the current leadership.
In some places, the Union Committee leaders are engaged in feud with upazila committee, while in some other places upazila committee leaders are locked in conflict with district committee.
The Sylhet district BNP has postponed activities of the committee of Kanaighat Upazila BNP after getting allegation that the upazila unit
leaders have engaged in irregularities in choosing party’s chairman candidates. The district committee in a statement on Wednesday disclosed the decision and asked the upazila unit president and general secretary to explain within three days.
Kanaighat Upazila BNP President Mamunur Rashid Mamun on Thursday told The New Nation that the district committee wanted to intervene in nominating candidates, but they have no right according to the central decision. For this reason, they postponed the activities of upazila committee. Mamun, however, said that the district committee has not been approved till now. “How it will postpone our committee? We are not engaged in irregularities. We have chosen candidates as per directive of party’s high command, ” he said.
Some activists of the party said that the committee was postponed as a result of internal feud in the party. Some leaders of the party in the upazila, who oppose Mamun, convinced the district leaders to postpone the committee. “Current Kanaighat upazila committee leaders opposed current district committee president Abul Kaher Chowdhury Shamim and general secretary Ali Ahmed during the council. So, the district leaders have vendetta and it was reflected in the statement,” said an activist who is follower of Mamun.
It was alleged that many dedicated and popular leaders were deprived of nomination in different places although the BNP high command directed the leaders concerned to nominate dedicated candidates. A BNP leader of Pabna said that the nomination business being happened in many unions of the district. Both the ruling Awami League and the BNP entrusted the grassroots with the task of selecting the party candidates. The selection was supposed to be done with the opinion of the grassroots comprising union, upazila and district level leaders.
A total of five BNP grassroot leaders will select party candidates. They are–the Union BNP President, General Secretary, Organizing Secretary, Upazila BNP President and Upazila BNP Secretary General. After their recommendation, the BNP high command will finalise the Chairman candidates for the local polls.