


Capitalization means using a capital letter (for example, A instead of a). The use of capital letters helps readers read your writing without confusion.
Always capitalize the following:
The first word in a sentence.
I grew up in India.
She left a message on my phone.

The pronoun I.
This country is where I dreamed of.
The first letter of a proper noun (specific name).
David wants to play soccer with us.
This letter is from Chang.
I graduated from the University of New York.
I like Coca-Cola.
She likes Godiva chocolates.

The first letter of months, days, and holidays (but not seasons).
Today is June 8, 2011.
Susie’s birthday is this Thursday.
The shops are closed on Easter.
This summer is going to be very hot.

The first letter of nationalities, religions, races of people, and languages.
We often eat Italian food.
I want to master many languages, such as Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Russian.
There is one Christian church in my town.
The first letter in a person’s title.
This is Dr. Simon.
I got it from Mr. Tom.

Geographic areas: cities, states, countries, mountains, oceans, rivers, etc.
My destination is Paris, France.
Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Historical periods.
The Renaissance began in the 14th century.
The Qing Dynasty is the last dynasty in China.
The first letter of each major word in the title of a book, movie, article, etc.
Tolstoy’s War and Peace is my favorite novel.
I found the article “How to Write a Good Cover Letter” in this magazine.

Auxiliary Verbs “Can/Could” and “May/Might/Must” Can Used to express ability (to be able to do something):

I can make jewelry.
He can’t speak French.
Can you open this jar?


Used to ask for permission:
Can I use your bathroom?
Can I leave now?
Can I raise the volume?
Used to make requests or suggestions:
Can I have more napkins?
Can I have the bill?
You can take this spot if you like.
You can do whatever you want.
Could (past form of can)
Describes an ability that someone had in the past:
I could swim when I was young.
You could see the boat sinking.
They could tell he was nervous.

Often used in auxiliary functions to express permission politely:
Could I take this jacket with me?
You could borrow my umbrella.
Could you please let me pass you?
Could I get you more water?

Used to express possibility:
All of them could ride in the van.
You could always stay at our house.
Could it be true?
This plan could really work out.

Used to ask for formal permission:
May I come in?
May I say something now?
May I ask one question?

Used to suggest something that is possible:
She may agree with this plan.
They may not be happy about what happened.
It may shower tonight.
Might (past form of may)
Used to suggest a smaller possibility than may does (actually, might is more common than may in American English):
He might have finished it.
I might go see a doctor.
I might not come this time.
It might be right.
You might have lost it.
The store might have been closed today.

Used to express something formally required or necessary:
I must complete the project by this week.
The government must provide health care for everybody.
Everyone must save the natural resources of the earth.
The building must have a fire alarm.
You must answer my question right now.
Used to show that something is very likely:
He must be a genius.
You must be joking!
There must be an accident.
She must be very tired.
