Govt’s target poverty-free BD, PM tells JS

UNB, Sangsad :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said the government is determined to build a hunger- and poverty-free Bangladesh through planned and balanced development programmes.
She expressed her determination while responding to a tabled starred question from MA Hannan (Mymensing-7) during the PM’s question-answer session.
To achieve the desired goal, the leader of the
House said, the previous Awami League government framed the Bangladesh Perspective Plan (2010-2021) in light of the Vision 2021.
She said the perspective plan has been set some specific goals at the end of 2021. “Bangladesh’s socioeconomic condition will reach the primary level of a middle-income economy after implementation of these goals.”
“One of the main aims of the specific goals of the perspective plan is to bring down the poverty level from 31.5 percent in 2010 to 13.5 percent in 2021,” she said.
The Prime Minister said the work on formulating the seventh five-year plan has already begun in continuation of the sixth five-year plan.
She also mentioned that the seventh five-year plan would be adopted by taking the impact of the global economy and the own capacity of Bangladesh economy.
As per the seventh five-year plan, the projected poverty rate by 2020 would be 16.8 percent, Hasina added.
The Prime Minister said the issue of undertaking work strategy for bringing down the extreme poverty rate to “zero level” would be included in the plan.
In this connection, she said her government considers the social safety net as one of the tools for eliminating poverty.