Govt trying to divide the nation: BNP


UNB, Dhaka :
Accusing the ruling Awami League of trying to divide the nation, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday urged the country’s people to put up a strong resistance against a deep-rooted conspiracy against the country.
“A deep-rooted plot is on to snatch people’s all rights by distorting the country’s history, destroying its culture and dividing the nation. All must be vocal and put up a strong resistance against it,” he said.
Fakhrul was addressing a meeting organised by Bangladesh Sammilita Peshajibi Parishad at the Jatiya Press Club in
memory of Brac University professor Piash Karim who died on Monday.
Referring to the student and cultural organisations that prevented Piash Karim’s family from taking his body to the Central Shaheed Minar, he alleged that the Shaheed Minar is being politicised at the instigation of the government.
“Awami League is doing a politics of division. They’re doing politics and dividing the nation over those persons who are respected by the country’s 16 crore people,” he added.
He regretted those who are claiming themselves as the sons of freedom fighters don’t know the true history of the Liberation War.
“Some stupid milk-fed boys are showing audacity about the revered persons. Who are they? Who has given them this right? We know Awami had initiated a politics of division in the country. They’re instigating the quarter,” the BNP leader said.
He alleged that the government is formulating various laws and policies one after another to suppress the country’s people.
Fakhrul, however, warned that the people of the country had never taken any wrong decision in the past and established their rights through struggles, and will do the same this time, too. “We’ve confidence in the country’s people that they’ll restore their voting and democratic rights through a movement as they did in the past.”
BNP standing committee member Rafiqul Islam Miah, Gano Swastha Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, columnist Farhad Mazhar, and journalists Sahfik Rehman and journalist Shawkat Mahmud, among others, spoke on the occasion.
