Govt to introduce GRP in automation of offices

Economic Reporter :
As part of its digitalization process, the government has developed Government Resource Planning (GRP), an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution of its own, to manage office works electronically to optimize and economize assets and expenses.
The Bangladesh e-Government ERP Project of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under ICT Division involving Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of BUET and a consortium of local software companies have designed and developed 4 out of 9 modules of this GRP.
“When all the 9 modules are completed, it will serve as a great tool to manage government resources economically and more efficiently in a whole-of-government approach,” said ICT secretary N M Zeaul Alam.
Talking to BSS, he said the government is not only making the office smart through automation of various processes, but also ensuring transparency and accountability of the employees.
Different ministries, departments and directorates don’t need to spend hundreds of crore of taka from the public exchequer to automate their works once the 9 modules function successfully, said Zeaul Alam.
The modules so far developed are: event and meeting management, inventory, procurement management and asset management and the rest 5 modules-human resource management, budgeting, accounts, audit, project monitoring and management will be developed within this fiscal year.
Executive Director of BCC Parthapratim Deb said the 9 modules are being developed as a pilot project for ICT Division and Planning Division and after successful application of the modules in these two divisions it would be replicated in other ministries, divisions and directorates.
He said the local software industry will have the unique opportunity to learn to develop from the existing robust Open Source ERP solutions and do deep customizations for the specific needs of various government offices.
Tarique M Barkatullah who is looking after the e-Governance project at ICT Division, said the implementation of the GRP solution will be a big leap in the journey towards Digital Bangladesh. It will ensure governance in a whole-of-government approach rather than the current silo approach, he added.
Project Director Dr Ashok Kumar Roy said the IT and IT Enable Services companies will also have the opportunity to work in various segments of this whole-of-the government ERP solutions’ value chain.