Govt plans 12pc power from renewable sources: Nasrul


Economic Reporter :
Considering renewable energy as environment friendly, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid on Tuesday said Bangladesh government is encouraging entrepreneurs for generating clean energy aiming to produce 12 percent of the country’s total electricity from renewable sources.
.”We have prepared an integrated power system master plan 2016 (PSMP2016) for the first time with targeting to become a developed country by 2041,” he said.
“Recently we have reset our goal to bring 30 percent power from coal and 30 percent from natural gas while 12 percent from renewable energy sources,” he told a panel discussion at a three-day ‘Dhaka Global Dialogue-2019’ in a city hotel this afternoon.
As a panel speaker, the state minister joined the second day’s discussion on Renewable Energy in the Indo-Pacific and shared his experiences with Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Maliha Muzzamil, Researcher, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University and Saiful Huque, Director at Institute of Energy, Dhaka University.
Sunjoy Joshi, Chairman, Observer Research Foundation moderated the highly authentic discussion and raised climate change and its impact due to massive carbon emission.
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) and Observer Research Foundation, India are jointly organising the function.
Nasrul Hamid said now the country is generating 22,562 MW power and brought 95 percent people under power coverage. Power Division decided to revisit the target of generation and transmission depicted in the master plan, he said adding that regional balances, fuel diversification, distribution infrastructure, demand side management, investment and generation cost issues will have to be addressed during examining the PSMP 2016.
