Commentary: Govt officials cannot hold private offices


Editorial Desk :
Criminalisation of politics has criminalised the whole system of government. We have no longsighted political leadership to fathom how the country is controlled by big money and big corruption. To be kept in power without election is a shame for political leadership to call themselves political leaders. As a result respect for honesty, dignity and law are not a big consideration for many public officials. The people are helpless victims.
The Boat Club scandal of such bold and brazen nature should not have taken place. Politicisation is practiced for criminalisation of the government system. Criminalisation of the system is to facilitate protection of criminals for using public officials as protection.
But the question cannot be avoided as to why educated and smart officials are not to be careful before lending their names for use for criminal activities. They know the government officials cannot be in private positions. In particular when such name lending takes place in respect of commercial activities needing illegal protection.
It was a mistake for IG of Police Benazir Ahmed to fall into the trap of accepting the position of President of the club. It was natural for the club management to exploit his name for protection against law.
The IG should take personal interest to find out how far the club management went by using his name.
Two recent events involving a young film actress and a ‘political’ leader of JAPA of Ershad party at the Boat Club has not surprised anybody nor shocked anybody. Such syndicates exist all over the country for committing crimes and money grabbing.
Police cannot do its main duty of preventing crimes. The police knew what illegalities were being committed at the club but had to remain unapproachable. For anybody with any connection with the government or police feel above the law and crime of sex and money making is no crime.
The film actress has strong connections and made it public so the police is now busy after the event.
The film actress Pori Moni is widely known in Dhaka city’s entertainment world. She came under attack at Uttara Boat Club at midnight after being forced to drink. She was tortured and saved for being senseless. We are sure much more is to be revealed against many others unless the investigation is misdirected. or fact is suppressed.
The local people say the Boat Club itself was built by forcing private land for use of the exclusive club with no compensation. Because of the powerful people they lost houses and property. This matter should also be investigated.
