Govt has to explain its failure to protect life


ANOTHER murder in the capital city has created panic among the people. This time a group of assailants has slaughtered a prominent TV presenter Maulana Shaikh Nurul Islam Faruqui on Wednesday night. It was known from the police and his family members that two unknown persons had come first and wanted to discuss with the Maulana about performing hajj. Maulana Faruqui asked them to call and bring the other hajj pilgrims. The two talked on cell phones and about seven to eight persons entered and started demanding 50 lakh taka. As the Maulana refused the miscreants tied up the Maulana’s family members and took him to another room and slit his throat. Maulana Faruqui died and the group of the assailants left the house. As the news of the killing of Maulana Faruqui spread hundreds of his followers and well-wishers rushed to his residence at East Raza Bazar. They raised slogans protesting the killing and demanded immediate arrest of the killers. The Police have visited the house and assured that the killers would be brought to justice. A case was also filed in this connection.
We express our grief and sorrow over the unfortunate death of Maulana Faruqui and remember his contributions especially through the Kafela, a very popular TV program. During the month of Ramadan he used to visit and show the historical places of Islam. It should be mentioned that he was the Chief Imam of the Supreme Court Mosque and also the International Affairs Secretary of Islamist group Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat. Murder of such a personality cannot be considered as a ‘stray incident’. It has rather again proved that life in Bangladesh has really become very cheap nowadays. The crimes like extortion and killing for money have been occurring almost every day. But the government has not stopped its rhetoric yet and continues to claim that the law and order situation of the country has improved! We shall not be able to convince that it is government’s failure to give protection to people against criminals. What is true that the government and its officials do not feel they have responsibilities towards the people. The police is over burdened with political role imposed upon. What is also forgotten is that the people do not spend hundred of crore takas only to save lives of those in the government.
