Govt firm to uphold democratic rights if violence discarded: FM

UNB, Dhaka :
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali on Monday said the government remained committed to upholding the democratic rights of people, provided everybody shuns the path of violence and terrorism, and uses the democratic space in a responsible manner.
Criticising the current acts of violence carried out by the BNP-Jamaat alliance, he said such behaviour cannot be described as democratic and urged the BNP-Jamaat alliance to shun the path of destruction and mayhem.
The Foreign Minister made the remarks while briefing a group of diplomats at state
guesthouse Padma in the city, said Foreign Ministry media release late night Monday.
He referred to the High Court Division order asking the government to prohibit the publication or broadcast of any statements and messages by the BNP senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman as long as he remains a fugitive in the eyes of law. During the briefing, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, M Shahriar Alam and Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque were present.
This was part of Foreign Minister’s regular consultations with the Ambassadors/High Commissioners and Heads of Mission based in Dhaka.
The Ambassadors and Heads of Mission present in the briefing joined the Foreign Minister in condemning the acts of violence and terrorism in recent times which, according to them, are not acceptable in a democratic polity.
Highlighting their continuous and increasing engagement in Bangladesh’ s development activities, they underscored the need for normal democratic environment.
They also referred with appreciation Bangladesh’s strong position against terrorism particularly Bangladesh Prime Minister’s policy of zero tolerance to terrorism.
Recent unfortunate developments of violence have been divulging energy from the important task of development and they will not contribute to strengthen democracy, they said.
Echoing similar sentiment on the acts of terrorist activities by BNP-Jamaat alliance, the Foreign Minister underscored the importance of peaceful political programs and said that terrorism does not have a place in democracy.