Govt extends lockdown until May 5


UNB, Dhaka :
The government has issued six fresh directives imposing restrictions on people’s movement alongside the existing ones as the country is struggling to contain the Coviid-19 transmission.
The Cabinet Division on Wednesday issued a notification extending the ongoing lockdown from April 28 to May 5.
Shops and shopping malls will remain open from 10 am to 8 pm ensuring health guidelines, the notification said.
Commerce Ministry, Labour and Employment Ministry, trade organisations and bazaar managing committees will take effective measures in this

regard. Legal action will be taken against those to be found violating the directives.
According to the directives, no one will be allowed to enter the country through land, river and air routes from India other than goods-laden vehicles.
Besides, the Bangladeshi people, who are now in India and their visas have expired, can only enter the country after taking a release/certificate from the Bangladesh High Commissioner in India. In that case, they will have to follow a 14-day quarantine rule and the Health Services Division, Public Safety Division, Security Services Division, Shipping Ministry and deputy commissioner concerned will take necessary measures in this regard.
Those coming from the Middle East, Singapore, Malaysia and China with non-Covid-19 and vaccination certificates will have to follow a 14-day quarantine rule at their respective homes. In this case, they will have to contact local police stations about their arrival and quarantine period.
But those who have only have non-Covid-19 certificates and returned from those countries mentioned above have to stay in the government facilitated institutions, and within 3-5 days, if the physicians allowed them to go to their respective houses after the test, will have to go for a 14-day quarantine at their homes.
The people who come from other countries will have to stay in government facilitated institutions for 14 days.
