Speculation ripe: Govt ‘creating ground to remove CJ’: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior joint secretary Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Wednesday said there is a speculation among people that the government may take a move to remove Chief Justice SK Sinha creating a ground of his mental illness.
“The government has been in deep agony following the Supreme Court verdict’s observation that the country is now under the grip of misrule for lack the rule of law and the corruption is widespread here. That’s why it has become restless and reckless,” he said.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “Discussions are there among people whether the government is going ahead with an ill motive to remove the Chief Justice saying he is mentally sick.”
Bangladesh National Awami Party-Bangladesh Nap arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club, marking its ex-chairman and former minister Shafiqul Gani Swapan’s eight death anniversary.
Rizvi said the government wants a person like the current Chief Election Commissioner (Nurul Huda) for the post of Chief Justice. “
They’re angry as the current Chief Justice is not like that type of person. So, they’re now trying to remove him.”
He said the government has got upset by the 16th amendment verdict as it has depicted its misrule and the country’s appalling situation. “That’s why they’re issuing various threats to remove the Chief Justice.”
The BNP leader said the government has started playing a game with public life by snatching their all the basic rights.
He also accused the government of trying to control the media and suppress the opposition to perpetuate its power.
Referring to Awami League leader Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh’s demand for resignation of Attorney General Mahbubey Alam, Rizvi said the ruling party has got so unnerved that it is now seeking the removal of its very trusted person.
He said the Attorney General has long been working devotedly to keep BNP leaders and activists in jail whenever they get arrested. “The country never got such a loyal Attorney General. Alas! An Awami League MP is seeking his resignation.”
Rizvi warned that Fazle Noor Taposh may seek the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina one day.
