Govt, AL to pay price for going against SC verdict: Moudud

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Monday warned that the government and Awami League will have to pay a heavy price someday for taking a conflicting stance against the Supreme Court verdict that revoked the 16th amendment.
“The government has softened its tone (regarding the verdict) as the Attorney General is now saying no one should make any comment on the verdict without going through it. It suggests you’ve made
all the remarks earlier against the verdict without reading it,” he said.
Speaking at a milad and doa mahfil, the BNP leader further said, “This regime and the ruling party must pay a price someday for taking an conflicting stance against he verdict. They’ll pay the price…”
Dhaka south city unit BNP organised the programme at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office seeking early recovery of its Chairperson Khaleda Zia who underwent a surgery in her right eye in London recently.
Moudud said it is unimaginable that the government and the ruling party have been challenging a Supreme Court verdict and making unguarded remarks about the judiciary.