Gold shop gutted in Ishwardi


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :
A fire has gutted a gold shop in Ishward on Monday. The fire started due to the explosion of a mini gas cylinder at ‘Ratna Jewellers’ in Swarnapatti in the city. The furniture and goods of the shop were burnt to ashes when the fire spread instantly. Owner Ujjal Karmkar was injured in the incident.
According to eyewitness accounts, Ujjal Karmakar, the owner of Ratna Jewellers, was working on welding ornaments with a mini gas cylinder himself. Suddenly the gas cylinder exploded with a loud noise. Ujjal’s face and one side of his hand were burnt in the explosion. The fire quickly spread throughout the shop and some parts outside.
Shopkeepers in the vicinity started to run away in fear. Shops in that area were closed immediately. The people of Ishwardi Fire Service brought the fire under control after about 30 minutes. In the meantime, the shop’s furniture and sugar goods were burnt to ashes. However, there was no damage other than the electricity meter of the shop next door.
 Fire Service Inspector Apu Kumar Mandal said that the fire started from mini gas cylinder explosion and said that it was not possible to assess the extent of damage at this moment.
Malik Ujjal Karmakar is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Damages can be assessed subject to investigation.
