Global Migration Film Festival in city today

Staff Reporter :
Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF) will be held today at RC Majumdar Arts Auditorium, University of Dhaka.
The festival will feature 15 films that capture the promise and challenges of migration, and the unique contributions that migrants render to their new communities.
It will start at 9am and end at 9pm having two sessions to be joined by related stakeholders, said the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) on Saturday. The festival is open to all. Fifteen films
will be screened in Dhaka. IOM Bangladesh with the support of the European Union in association with Dhaka University Film Society is hosting the Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF).
The films will show different facets of life, which can in turn help viewers to cultivate deeper empathy for migrants and a better understanding of their realities, needs, perspectives, and capacities.
The objective of the GMFF is to use films as educational tools that influence perceptions and attitudes towards migrants, by bringing attention to social issues and creating safe spaces for respectful debate and interaction.
Moreover, the festival will pave the way for greater discussion which is one of the greatest phenomena of our time.
Policymakers, government representatives, students, academicians, researchers, prominent filmmakers, prominent actors and actresses, development partners and UN agencies will join the event. There will be an interactive inaugural session and closing session.
Films have the power to show different facets of life, which can in turn help viewers to cultivate deeper empathy for migrants and a better understanding of their realities, needs, perspectives, and capacities.
Over the years, films have been used to inform, entertain, educate and provoke debate. It is in this spirit that IOM, the UN Migration Agency, launched the Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF) in 2016.
This year, over 600 films have been submitted for acceptance by the Festival. Prominent and award-winning filmmakers and visual artists as a jury board have selected 30 films to screen in 100 countries around the world.