Global Covid cases top 584 million

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Online Desk:

The overall number of Covid cases has now surged past 584 million amid a rise in new infections in parts of the world.

According to the latest global data, the total case count mounted to 584,040,671 and the death toll reached 6,423,422 on Wednesday morning.

The US has recorded 93,319,702 cases so far and 1,055,975 people have died from the virus in the country, the data shows.

India reported 13,734 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours, taking the total tally to 44,060,649 in the country, according to federal health ministry data released on Tuesday.


The country also logged 34 related deaths during the past 24 hours, pushing the overall death toll to 526,430.

The daily positivity rate stands at 3.34 percent and the weekly positivity rate was 4.79 percent.

The Chinese mainland Tuesday reported 38 locally transmitted confirmed Covid cases, including 12 in Hainan and 10 in Gansu, according to the National Health Commission’s report Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Singapore reported 10,230 new cases of Covid on Tuesday, bringing the total tally to 1,728,995.

Four more deaths were reported from Covid on Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 1,524, the country’s health ministry said
