Global Covid cases near 219 million

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The global Covid-19 caseload is now fast approaching 219 million, as the ferocious second wave of the corona pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the world amid mass inoculation efforts.
The total caseload and fatalities stand at 218, 969,254 and 4,550,984, respectively, as of Friday morning, according to Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
So far, 5, 370,416,172 vaccine doses have been administered across the globe.
The US, which is the world’s worst-hit country in terms of both cases and deaths, has so far logged 39,944,270 cases. Besides, 643,594 people have lost their lives in the US to date, as per the JHU data.
The United States is surpassing an average of 160,000 new Covid-19 cases a day due to the spread of the more transmissible Delta variant.
Brazil currently has the world’s second-highest pandemic death toll after the United States and the third-largest caseload after the United States and India.
The total caseload rose to 20,830,712 while the death toll stood at 582,004, as of Thursday.
India’s Covid-19 tally rose to 32,902,345 on Thursday, while the death toll from the virus mounted to 439,916.
Daily new infections have fallen sharply in India since their peak of more than 400,000 in May.
