Giving peace and prosperity a chance

Zahurul Alam :
The wise people of the world always propagated for peace. All religions, philosophies and ethics of the world irrespective of their bases of belief, their origin, coverage, and procedures and manners of affiliation, proliferated peace and wellbeing of the people. Peace ensures social harmony and guarantees prosperity. Conflicts and dominations, wars and exploitations of one by the other, terrors and misrules destroy mankind, human values, physical and social environment, hopes and aspiration of the mass and the future of the generations. Only peaceful voyage of the mankind serve as a pre-condition for sustained peace and tranquility. Democracy, good governance, peace and prosperity go hand in hand.
The fight for peace is not an unfair war from people’s perspectives. On the other hand not every manifested attempt for peace is meant for peace. Fundamental is the reason for that attempt.
The underlying question is whether or not an action brings peace and prosperity to the people at the end of the day. Modest men and the ‘good souls’ fought against the ‘evil forces’ in the mythology, and in practice, and always good superseded the bad, truth overwhelmed and destroyed untruth. Such is the logic of an unprejudiced world.
Practicalities of our life also show the power of just over injustice at the end of the day. Who could imagine even in recent past, not talking about the periods of military rule in Bangladesh and several subsequent years, that the killers of 1971 and 1975 would be brought to justice! These are demonstrative of the fact that the rule of law has taken better dimensions in this country.
This generation has already witnessed numbers of historic verdicts that have upheld the dignity of the nation. The current generation’s proactive support in the progressive initiatives are also demonstrative of meaningful outcome of many unresolved for many years issues in the life of this nation.
These inspire the nation and provide the signal that the sacrifices of the millions are not in vain.
 People’s struggle for peace against anti-humanitarian forces was devastating for the mankind, not once… The World wars are both pale and glowing examples. The values of mankind, human dignity and civilization as a whole were slandered to the extent that prompted do or die fight of the civilization against destructive elements. The human civilization was dragged to such an extent of extreme humiliation that forced the people fight to the end to save the world’s future, the hopes of mankind.
 Nothing less happened in our life in 1971, the war against the brutal forces that tried to eliminate us and sustain their domination.
Bangalees emerged as the victors compelling occupation forces conceive humiliating defeat. Challenge of the defeated forces continues till to date in different forms.
We need to understand clearly the tricks under masks. The history of mankind is the history of never-ending struggle (of fair against evil). Aggression of the stronger that started in the ancient world continues today in different forms substance remaining the same.
The peace loving majority of the mankind faced historical odds created by handful of aggressors patiently and always came out as the victors. Slaves numbered much more than the slave masters and yet man’s dignity was violated for centuries until the slaves themselves raised to change their fate. Thus it happens always and everywhere. Peace, democracy, equality, right and honor need to be earned, those are never gifted.
Fascism, Nazism, colonialism, genocides and destructions are products of vested interests of anti-humanitarian forces. They spread in the society as viruses and pollute the whole brilliance of mankind.
Genocides and wars killed millions during last century. Mankind does not deserve those. Peace should be the only answer of the people, and for sustaining peace the evil forces, everywhere in the globe need to be eliminated.
The people must strive to build a world of peace and tranquility, where social harmony will prevail, ethical values will dominate and rights of all will be protected. That world will protect people from meaningless deaths, miseries and humiliations, the children will be free from hunger and exploitation, social unrest will disappear and the wealth will not be accumulated in the hands of a handful of people. That world will bring only smiles and happiness for all.
The people of the world will unite against the demons and destroy them for peace. Let 2015 be the year of demon elimination everywhere. Let it be the year of peace and prosperity.

(Zahurul Alam Ph.D is President, Governance and Rights Centre (GRC), E-mail: [email protected])
