Girl thrown into septic tank to die after rape in Hathazari

UNB, Chittagong :
A minor girl was stabbed repeatedly and thrown into the septic tank of a school after being raped by its ‘doptori’ (a low-level post in public schools) in Hathazari upazila on Sunday.
Victim’s father with the help of locals rescued her from the septic tank of Katirhat High School and took her to hospital. The angry mob also caught the alleged rapist, Apan Chandra, 55, employed by Katirhat High School as a low level , and handed him over to police.
Officer-in-Charge of Hathazari Police Station Belal Uddin said the victim, a Class-III student at another school, went to Katirhat High School, which her brother attends, to look for him with one of her friends.
The school was earlier declared closed as the teachers have been on a strike and they were staying in the upazila headquarters, OC said.
When the victim came across Apan and asked about her brother, he took her to the 1st floor saying he was staying there, according to the friend.
As she did not come down even after a long time, her friend went back and told their teacher who along with several students rushed in and asked Apan, who started acting rowdily, the OC said. Later, the schoolteacher informed the matter to the victim’s father.
That prompted a search party to look for her, and while searching for the girl, the locals heard screaming from inside the septic tank of Katirhat High School. Spotting the girl, they rescued her from it and took her first to Hathazari Upazila Health Complex from where she has been shifted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital. She remains under treatment there at the time of filing this report.
The locals also caught Apan and handed him over to police. A case was also filed in this connection.