Gas cylinder that may prove fatal to life

RISK from CNG cylinders explosion in absence of their periodic fitness test remains high with potential danger to users of CNG-run motor vehicles. A report in a national daily on Wednesday said the danger is real and has called for setting up a designated monitoring authority, which should make mandatory the fitness test of gas cylinders in every five years. The standard rules demand vehicles must get their cylinders, conversion kits and gas valves routinely examined. But most vehicles are running without such tests. We must say it is indeed a big public safety issue that can’t be sidetracked and the government must take initiative to set up test centers to clear the mess. But it appears that the government is not quite concerned about it while the users of CNG-run vehicles are also indifferent about the risk. The laxity must end.
It appears that most CNG conversion centers have mushroomed over the past decade and are functioning largely with old and ill-equipped machine and by mechanics with little expertise. To them conversion to gas gear is a one time job and since there is no mandatory requirement for periodic test as to whether they are faulty or made of counterfeit materials and running properly, the chance of accident from sudden explosion remains too high. Report about cylinder explosions in vehicles and at other installations often flash out in the media. Such explosion killed two persons only recently in the outskirt of the city making the case for regular monitoring of cylinder fitness all the more important.
It is no more secrets that most owners of CNG conversion centers are ruling party men and they are free to use faulty cylinders when their poor fitting may also remain a constant threat to risk. As per some estimates, over 1.5 lakh vehicles have not been tested since their conversion into CNG over the past years. Cylinders fitted with vehicles in mid-eighties have already expired their technical lifetime. But the vehicle owners are not widely aware of the risk and also don’t know many places where cylinder may be tested. It is still less important compared to the technical fitness of the motor vehicles.
It is quite dangerous when CNG conversion centers install sub-standard cylinders and kits and in some cases they even produce cylinder by welding metal pipes. These cylinders have multiple functions including releasing of excess pressure from inside and they must be properly functioning. Otherwise they may end up in accident.
As it appears every CNG-run vehicle is an explosive device of not properly handled. In our view users must be aware of the danger first and the government must make cylinder test and inspection regular to avoid the risk.