Future challenges as a developing country


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Bangladesh is not merely a name but a history. This is a country of heroic, combative, victorious and brave people. Today Bangladesh has many achievements. These achievements are helping the country move forward. Bangladesh has become a developing country, the biggest achievement since independence. This achievement has made the country and its people proud. Greetings sand congratulations to the Honorable Prime Minister. The united nations recognizes Bangladesh for achieving all the indicators of developing countries.
We could not achieve such a great reputation in any case. People will have to go further for holding up the achievement. Agriculture, industry and garments sectors will have to avoid hartal and blockade politics. Such production hampering works cannot be done. For the sake of democracy, all public and private parties must be given equal political patronization.
Bangladesh has achieved all the indicators for the transition from the LDCs to the developing country. In addition to maintaining this achievement, efforts should be made to eliminate discrimination. We want to be a developed state, not just a developing state. Before that, arrangement should be made, so that all the people of the society can enjoy the benefits of development. We want not only the guarantee of dal and rice, but also the guarantee of peace and secure livlyhood. The pleasure of such a achievement is not for only to some part of the society or to Govt. employees. Now the pleasure should be like the way all the people exalted on 16 December, 1971 due to the promotion to a developing country, foreign loan or assistance may be reduced. I hope the finance ministry will find out the ways to deal with the impact on inflation. Measures should be taken to eliminate social and economic discrimination. To retain the achievement it has to be done. To proceed as a developing country from LDCs, national unity is required. The main concept of forming unity is political stability. The corrupt people have to be knocked down. Because all the achievements of the country became faded due to corrupt people. The appeal to the prime minister is that they should not get political asylum. Believing freedom and holding non-communal consciousness in heart, everyone must be organized to plan ahead in order to establish in the world with Bengali identity. The fuel supply of the engine should be given due diligence to keep the opportunity we have received or achieved so that the engine does not stop in the middle. Being born with the bloodstream of Mirzafar, we have to be careful that the Bengali opposition Mirzafar’s party can’t take the opportunity again as Bangabandhu with his family was killed by Mustak gang. We have to build our manpower in such a way that every unemployed will take on international standard work. We have to appoint skilled manpower to transform our assets and raw materials. We have to build industry. Trafficking of domestic human resources must be stopped and they have to be engaged to build their country.
Bangladesh is now a role model for south Asia. It has been possible to outrun neighboring countries in different areas. It will take several more years to become a permanently developing country. Now it is the demand of time to take measures for development. The government will have to take more public welfare programs. To retain this achievement, we need to remove corruption. Terrorism, drug and women trafficking are barriers to development. These obstacles should be eliminated. Integrated effort is needed to protect the environment. The political parties have to inculcate the culture of working together. If you can ensure the quality of education system, if you reduce the drop out in education, reduce corruption in education, then we can go one step ahead in the development also.
We need to focus on agricultural development. The country’s development depends on the development of agriculture. So, there is no substitute for emphasis on agriculture. Maternal mortality and child mortality risk is very less. However, the health ministry and Health department should be more responsible for the cure of complex diseases. The field of research should be further increased.
This achievement brings glory. But millions of unemployed people are still trying hard to get jobs. The government cannot provide employment for them. The government can use the manpower properly to move forward. It is very happy news that Bangladesh has started its journey on a developing country. For this we thank our Honorable prime minister. But it is not possible for the government to hold on to this development alone. That is why the involvement of common people is important.
The development of Bangladesh has not been achieved in a single day. This is the achievement of long lasting efforts and labor. To maintain this achievement, the meritorious and hard working people of the country have to be properly employed. If you get any reward, such responsibilities increase, in this case, Bangladeshis responsibility seems to have increased. The country’s moving is focused. You will have to improve the quality of education and to make the educated manpower useful.
We got the recognition of a developing country Now, there is need to develop human resources, increase in per capita income, increase in investment in the productive sector , handle the financial contamination, increase the flow of remittance, ensure the stability of the value of money, give more importance in maternal mortality, education, nutrition and adult education, increase productivity, increase employment, ensure political stability and need to be more stringent in combating the militants. Until 2024, there should be no barriers to development.
Bangladesh has joined in the line of developing countries. To maintain this achievement, everyone will have to perform duties with sincerity and devotion. There is need to develop in clothing agriculture, fisheries and medical sector. Factories need to be expanded or increased and employment should be provided. The quality education is to be ensured to all. Cultural progress is also necessary. The democracy system has to be more representative. One can’t stop here anyway, the sustainability of the development has to be ensured.
It will take more time to establish the identity of the developing country. We can see this recognition as a challenge. Now the government has to play a greater role in improving economic development. By reducing corruption, the goal should be to equalize per capital income among all people. Political stability has to be ensured. New branches of investment need to be explored.
To increase the export sector, agricultural products should be made worthy of marketing and free from pesticide. The possibility of shrimp should be used. We believe that, sustainable industrial development & export of agricultural products can give us much advancement.
 The news of Bangladesh’s journey into the group of developing countries is a very good news. Again it is also a big challenge. To maintain this development, there is a need to take role carefully. So, we should look at the political stability that prevails and the continuation must be maintained.
