Frozen meals provide better nutrition


Life Desk :
Consumers of frozen meals had higher daily intakes of dietary fiber, potassium, calcium and protein that consumers of quick service restaurant meals, revealed a new data presented Monday. People eating frozen meals also had lower daily intakes of calories and saturated fat than consumers of quick service restaurant (QSR) meals. The poster, Consumption of Frozen Meals as Compared to Quick Service Restaurant Meals is Associated with Better Nutrient Intakes in Adult Participants of The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2003-2010), was presented at the 2014 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo.
 “The analysis shows adults (19+ years) who reported eating frozen meals have higher daily intakes of more than 12 important nutrients – including protein, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, choline, magnesium and copper – than those who reported eating quick service restaurant meals, and they do it with 253 fewer calories and 2.6 grams less saturated fat a day,” said Dr. Victor L. Fulgoni, co-author of the analysis and vice president of Nutrition Impact, LLC.
Those who report dining on frozen meals eat less calories and get more essential nutrientsspecifically, the analysis revealed that frozen meal consumers, compared to QSR consumers:
Eat less saturated fat per day (2.6 grams less saturated fat per day)
Have higher daily intakes of three of the four nutrients the Dietary Guidelines recommends increasing including:
3.9 more grams (16 percent of the daily value) of dietary fiber (18.2±0.5 g/d frozen meal consumers vs 14.3±0.2 g/d QSR consumers); that’s as much fiber as one cup of cooked, instant oatmeal
511 more mg (15 percent of the daily value) of potassium (3008±63 mg/d frozen meal consumers vs 2497±20 mg/d QSR consumers); that’s as much potassium as a medium banana
135 more mg (14 percent of the daily value) of calcium (1059±43 mg/d frozen meal consumers vs 924±11 mg/d QSR consumers); that’s nearly as much calcium as half a cup of milk
Have higher daily protein intakes (90.0±2.2 g/d frozen meal consumers vs 81.5±0.5 g/d QSR consumers) with 8.5 more grams of protein a day; that’s as much protein as 1.5 eggs
“This research is further evidence that frozen meals can play an important role in helping Americans obtain key nutrients of concern highlighted in the US Dietary Guidelines while maintaining calorie and fat levels,” said Kim Krumhar, Ph.D, Scientific Advisor – Nutrition, Nestlé.
This abstract is a follow-up to data, consumption of frozen meals as compared to quick service restaurant meals is associated with better diet quality in adult participants of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2003-2010), presented at the 2014 Experimental Biology Conference which indicated that people who reported eating frozen meals over QSR have better diet quality and come closer to meeting the Dietary Guidelines recommendations for fruits, vegetables, dark green and orange vegetables, greens and beans, whole grains, and total protein foods.
