French author Patrick Modiano wins Nobel Prize for Literature


BBC Online :French historical author Patrick Modiano has won the 2014 Nobel Prize for literature.The Nobel Academy described the novelist, whose work has often focused on the Nazi occupation of France, as “a Marcel Proust of our time”.The award – presented to a living writer – is worth eight million kronor (£691,000).Previous winners include literary giants such as Rudyard Kipling, Toni Morrison and Ernest Hemingway.Modiano beat bookies’ favourites Japanese writer Haruki Murakami and Kenyan novelist, poet and playwright Ngugi wa Thiong’o. The last French writer to win the prize was Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio in 2008.The academy said the award was “for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation”.”This is someone who has written many books that echo off each other… that are about memory, identity and aspiration,” Peter Englund, the academy’s permanent secretary said.French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, quoted by Reuters news agency, said Modiano was “undoubtedly one of the greatest writers” of recent years.”This is well-deserved for a writer who is moreover discreet, as is much of his excellent work.”Modiano, 69, was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, a suburb of Paris, to a businessman father and an actress mother.He studied at Lycee Henri-IV in Paris, where his geometry teacher was Raymond Queneau, a writer who was to prove a major influence.His debut novel La Place de l’Etoile was published in 1968.Many of Modiano’s works have been translated into English, among them Les boulevards de ceinture (1972; Ring Roads : A Novel, 1974), Villa Triste (1975; Villa Triste, 1977), Quartier perdu (1984; A Trace of Malice, 1988) and Voyage de noces (1990; Honeymoon, 1992).His most recent novel is Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier (2014).Modiano also worked with film director Louis Malle on the screenplay of Lacombe Lucien (1974), a feature film about a teenage boy during the German occupation of France.His sixth novel, Missing Person (French title: Rue des boutiques obscures), won the French literary accolade the Prix Goncourt in 1978.Other prizes include Grand prix du roman de l’Academie francaise in 1972 and the 2010 prix mondial Cino Del Duca by the Institut de France for lifetime achievement.In 2012, he won the Austrian State Prize for European Literature.Modiano, who lives in Paris, rarely give interviews. The Nobel Academy said it had been unable to tell the author the news before the announcement.A total 111 individuals have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature between 1901 and 2014.Last year’s winner was Canadian author Alice Munro.
