Founding anniv of KU observed


Students, teachers and employees of Khulna University (KU) today observed the 28th founding anniversary of the university in a befitting manner.
Vice-Chancellor (VC) of KU Professor Dr Fayquzzaman inaugurated day’s programmes as the chief guest by releasing balloons and pigeons at Shaheed Hadi Chattar in the morning.
Later, the VC cut a cake at Muktomoncha of KU. Treasurer, dean, head, provost, proctor and students affair director, among others, were present on the occasion.
Afterward, a colourful procession was brought out on the campus.
Marking the day, academic fair, discussion, cultural events and candle light vigil were held on the campus making the university festive.
KU buildings including administrative, senate, cafeteria, dormitories, roads and main gate were decorated with colourful illumination.
The university started its academic activities formally on November 25, 1991 with only 80 students and 30 teachers.
