Misappropriation of money: Former bank manager sent to jail in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Shaikh Mujibor Rahman (58), former manager of Bagerhat main branch of Sonali Bank was sent to jail hajat on Tuesday in connection with a case of misappropriation of money lodged by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC). On the day accused bank manager Shaikh Mujibor Rahman who was granted interim bail from the Higher Court appeared before Gazi Rahman, judge of the District and Session Judge Court, Bagerhat and submitted a bail petition to the court. But the judge rejected the bail petition and sent him to jail hajat. Shaikh Mujibor Rahman is the son of one late Shaikh Hasan Ali of village Chaksree within Baintala under Rampal Adv. Milon Kumar Banarjee, lawyer of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) told, Shaikh Mujibor Rahman was the manager of Bagerhat main branch of Sonali Bank from 2012 to 2015. During the period Mujibor Rahman with the collaboration Mahfizur Rahman (37), senior officer of the bank mis-appropriated a sum of Tk.1 cr 1 lakh 45 thousand 679 from the bank. In a primary investigation into the matter the Anti Corruption Commission found the jejunity of the misappropriation of money by those 2 officers. In this connection Najmul Hasan, Deputy Director of the district (Bagerhat and Satkhira) Anti Corruption Commission registered a case against Mujibor Rahman and Mahfizur Rahman on September 18, 2019. Mujibor Rahman was granted an interim bail from the Higher Court. On Tuesday he appeared before the court and prayed for bail. But the court rejected the bail prayer and sent him to the court. The In an internal audit of the bank it was found that about a sum of Tk.4.5 crs was misappropriated by those two bank officers from the bank. The matter was leaked out on September 03, 2015. Then the bank management (higher authorities) formed 2 separate 2 audit teams in order to investigate into the matter. Both the audit teams found the jejunity of the previous report about the misappropriation of money. As a result, both those two bankers were terminated on temporary basis by the bank authorities in the month of December in the year 2015. By this time senior bank officer Mahfizur Rahman refunded a sum of Tk.35 lakh to the bank. On October 01, 2015 Khan Bablur Rahman, newly appointed manager of the bank registered a case with Bagerhat Model PS on the charge of misappropriation of Tk.4 crs 49 lakh.

Farmer electrocuted in Chitalmari
Maruf Sardar (50), son of one late Saheb Ali Sardar and a farmer of village Maalaarkul within Kalatala Union under Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district met his tragic end on Sunday afternoon when he was electrocuted with a mouse-killing electricity trap, according to a delayed report received here. Police and locals said, in the afternoon the unfortunate farmer went to a field, adjacent to the village in order to collect grass for his domestic cattle and when he was collecting the grass from a plot of lands belonging to local UP member Alam Khan the farmer (Maruf Sardar) touched the mouse killing trap connected with electricity without his knowledge and consequently, he died on the spot. As he did not return home till the sun set his relatives found the dead body of the farmer in the field after a long search. On information, police rushed to the spot after the evening, recovered the dead body and sent the same to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital for autopsy. Pankaj Chandra Roy, Police Super of Bagerhat told, the dead body of the farmer was sent to Bagerhat morgue for its postmortem examination. But in this connection no complaint was lodged with the local PS so far.
