Foreign Minister leaves for Bahrain

BSS, Dhaka :
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali left Dhaka for Manama, the capital of Bahrain on Monday morning on a three-day official visit to the Middle Eastern country.
Ali is visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain at the invitation of his Bahraini counterpart Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, a foreign ministry press release said here.
During the visit Bangladesh Foreign Minister will have bilateral talks with his Bahraini counterpart.
He is also expected to have meeting with other Bahraini leaders and dignitaries when several bilateral instruments for cooperation in different fields between the two countries are expected to be signed at Manama during the visit.
Foreign Minister is also expected to meet with the Bangladeshi expatriates residing in Bahrain and exchange views with them.
Senior officials from the ministry of foreign affairs are accompanying him during the visit.
The foreign minister is expected to return Dhaka on December 24.