Foolproof security in city


UNB, Dhaka :
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has taken foolproof security measures in the capital over the verdict to be pronounced Wednesday by International Crimes Tribunal-1 on war crimes trial of Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Matiur Rahman Nizami.
Adequate uniformed and plainclothes police will remain on high alert, deployed around the ICT-1 and elsewhere in the capital to avert any untoward incident following the verdict, Deputy Commissioner (Media) of DMP Masudur Rahman told UNB.
Additional police will be deployed at different key points of the city from early morning as part of the DMP’s security blanket in the capital on Wednesday, he said.
Meanwhile, members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been deployed in the capital since Tuesday evening. They began patrolling different city streets apart from police and RAB as part of maintaining law and order ahead of the ICT-1 verdict on Nizami trial.
BGB members have also been deployed in different districts in the country.
Earlier, Tuesday morning, State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan said the government has taken necessary preparations to prevent any anarchic situation in the country over the verdict on Jamaat leader Nizami. He said stern action will taken if anyone tries to create anarchy over the verdict.
