Foolproof security for X-mas

BSS, Dhaka :
Tight security measures have been clamp down across the country for peaceful and smooth celebration of the Christmas Day on Wednesday, commemorating the birthday of Jesus Christ.
“The law enforcement agencies have been asked to remain alert and ensure all possible security to ensure peaceful and smooth celebration of the Christmas Day on Wednesday,” said Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan.
Talking about security arrangement ahead of
 Christmas, he also said, “Archways will be installed in each of the churches in the DMP areas and none will be allowed to enter the venues without search and metal detector will be used in this endeavor.”
“Uninterrupted power supply will be ensured in the areas of at each of the churches to ensure foolproof security,” he added.
The minister said volunteers from the Christian community will also be deployed for cooperating law enforcement agencies, adding, “Use of firecrackers and carrying bags, trolley bags and bag packs will be completely prohibited.”
Kamal said the government would not allow troublemakers during the Christmas Day programme, adding, “Stern actions will be taken if anyone tries to create anarchy on the day.”
Following the ‘zero tolerance policy’ against militancy and terrorism, the law enforcing agencies are on alert and vigilant to deal with the extremists, militants and other criminals, he said.