18th SAARC Summit agenda: Focus on connectivity anti-terrorism

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh will give importance to a number of issues, including connectivity, poverty alleviation, youth development and fighting terrorism, in the 18th Saarc Summit which will see the signing of three agreements among Saarc member states.
Three agreements-Saarc Motor Vehicles Agreement for the Regulation of Passenger and Cargo Vehicular Traffic amongst Saarc member states, Saarc Regional Railways Agreement and Saarc Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) — are likely to be signed in the summit which will be held on November 26-27 in Kathmandu.
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali said this at a press conference at the Foreign Ministry in the afternoon. State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque, Secretary (Bilateral) Mustafa Kamal and Director Generals (DGs) of the Foreign Ministry were present.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will lead a 37-member Bangladesh delegation in the summit. Over 90 journalists from Bangladesh representing various media outlets will be there to cover the event.
The Foreign Minister said Bangladesh will focus on 10 core issues- youth development, poverty alleviation, improvement of connectivity, climate change, science and technology, education, women empowerment, food security and combating terrorism-for strengthening cooperation.
“We’ll also put emphasis on timely and proper implementation of the decisions within the Saarc,” Mahmood Ali said.
He said, Bangladesh wants to see Saarc as more vibrant platform so that it can play an effective role in people’s benefits.
The Foreign Minister said, Bangladesh would give importance to youth development and quality education for them because the future of the South Asia depends on the huge young population in the Saarc countries. “These young people would have to be prepared for future leadership.”
On signing of three deals, he said the cooperation among the Saarc countries in terms of goods transportation, people-to-people contact, energy cooperation and trade relations would be strengthened if the deals are signed.
“I think, Bangladesh’s bilateral and multilateral relations with the Saarc countries will be strengthened further once the deals are signed,” Mahmood Ali said.
He said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s active participation in the Saarc Summit will help strengthen cooperation among the member states in the areas of connectivity, trade, energy and security.
Responding to a question, the Foreign Minister said the Saarc has come a long way in bringing people closer to each other. “Progress is there. But there could be more progress. The success what has been achieved can’t be undermined.”
Mahmood Ali said it will be a big breakthrough if the Motor Vehicles Agreement is signed.
Responding to a question on sidelines talks with the leaders of Saarc countries, including those of India and Pakistan, the Foreign Minister said nothing is finalised yet. “We’ll let you know if we can hold meetings and if there is any progress or outcome.”
Asked whether there will be a meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the Foreign Minister said, “I don’t know. We haven’t said anything (about the meeting).”
The four-stage 18th Saarc (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Summit begins on November 22 and concludes on November 27.