FM invites more Korean investment in Bangladesh


Business Desk :
Foreign Minister Dr A K Abdul Momen on Thursday invited more Korean investments here availing the facilities in the Special Economic Zones and High-Tech Parks. He urged the Korean entrepreneurs to invest particularly in the field of renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, ICT, light engineering and consumer electronics sectors, says a press release.
Dr Momen made the urge while visiting 1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea Choi Jong Kun called on him at the State Guest House Padma this afternoon, a foreign ministry press release said. During the meeting, they discussed bilateral issues, and other regional and international issues of common interest. Dr Momen recalled with gratitude Korea’s recognition of Bangladesh as an independent state, at a very early stage of Bangladesh independence, on May 12, 1972 as well as Korea’s continued development cooperation to Dhaka’s priority sectors.
The South Korean vice minister assured to continue development cooperation for the rapid socio-economic advancement of Bangladesh, and enhance Korean investments in the country for the mutual benefits of the two countries. He assured to take more workers from Bangladesh and students to work and pursue higher studies in Korea.
Kun highlighted the importance of Korea’s robust partnership with Bangladesh and assured to deepen engagements on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two friendly countries next year.
Dr Momen assured to continue Bangladesh’s strong support to all international measures for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and committed to work closely with the Republic of Korea on global peace and security and climate change.
Bangladesh foreign minister highlighted Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s peace-centric foreign policy ‘Friendship to all and malaise to none’ and Bangladesh’s commitment to international peace manifest through the country’s flagship UN General Assembly Resolution on ‘Culture of Peace’. He also urged the Korean government to redouble their efforts in creating a conducive environment in Myanmar and facilitating safe return of the displaced Rohingyas to their homeland in Myanmar from Bangladesh. The Korean Vice-Minister highly appreciated Bangladesh’s diplomatic endeavours in resolving disputes through dialogue and diplomacy.
Kun is currently visiting Bangladesh to Co-Chair the 3rd Bangladesh-Republic of Korea Foreign Ministry Consultations.
