Flight operations to remain shut till May 30


Staff Reporter :
The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) on Thursday extended the suspension of all international and domestic flights until May 30, aiming to prevent spread of coronavirus.
The ban on international passenger flights has been extended until May 30, said a Caab press release.
Bahrain, Bhutan, Hong Kong, India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and United Kingdom (UK) will come under the restriction, the release added.
But special flights, air ambulance, emergency landing flights and cargo flights will remain out of the purview of the ban, it said.
On March 15, the country suspended on-arrival visas for all countries for two weeks.
The suspension was extended for several times.
Bangladesh on Thursday reported detection of 1041 new coronavirus cases and 14 deaths in the last 24 hours until morning.
The country’s confirmed cases now stands at 18,863 and of them, 283 have died.
