Banani Rape case: Five accused chargesheeted

Court Correspondent :
Police yesterday submitted the chargesheet against five persons, including Shafat Ahmed and his friend Nayeem Ashraf, in the Banani rape case to the court.
The other three accused are Ahmed Shafat’s driver
Billal Hossain, bodyguard Rahmat alias Azad and accomplice Shadman Sakif. Ismot Ara Ame, Inspector of Women Support and Investigation Centre of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), submitted the chargesheet to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka on Thursday afternoon. In the chargesheet, the IO said that the charges brought against the accused were primarily proved. The Deputy Commissioner (Prosecution) of the CMM court confirmed it.
Meanwhile, of the accused, Shafat, son of an Apan Jewellers’ owner, and Shadman Sakif made confessional statements in two Magistrate courts on May 28 admitting their involvement in the rape incident.
On May 6, one of two university girls, who was allegedly raped at a Banani hotel, filed a case with Banani Police Station against the five accused.
The two girls were allegedly raped at the Raintree Hotel in Banani of the city on March 28. According to the case statement, Shafat and Nayeem were accused of raping the two university girls at the said hotel while Shafat’s driver Billal, bodyguard Rahmat and Sakif were accused of assisting Shafat and Nayeem.
Police arrested Shafat and Shadman Sakif from a house in Sylhet, five days after the case was filed. Later, the law enforcers arrested the other accused persons.