First legal challenge to Trump`s erratic governance

FEDERAL Judges in several US cities such as New York, Houston, Massachusetts yesterday blocked deportation of travellers from US airports under President Donald Trump’s new executive order restricting entry of citizens from seven Muslim countries. To many the judges actions show the start of a much anticipated fight between rule of law and Trump’s chaotic governance. Hundreds of legal US citizens and travellers with valid US visa and green card are now stranded at several airports because immigration officials are barred from deporting them following the court orders but not releasing them also, except a handful in confusion how to interpret regulations.

Earlier many were kept off the flight in mid-journey and others denied of boarding in plane at several airports. As part of America First it appears that Donald Trump is now using religious discrimination translating his threat to ban Muslims from entering America. Similarly he has signed another executive order for a ‘Day of National Patriotism’ and is equally desperate to implement a protectionist policy that call for withdrawal of the US from all free trade agreements with outside world. His politics is set to create an ethnic wall with the Muslims like another wall on Mexico border and we are afraid, America is heading towards a chaotic period until it recovers from Trump’s traumatizing politics.

A lawyer in Houston said, “These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here,” and now denied entry because they come from certain countries put under a discriminatory ban. Trump’s order signed Friday bars travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iraq, to the US for 90 days. It also suspends Syrian refugee resettlement program for 120 days until it is reinstated through as system of “extreme vetting”


As it appears ending a day of confusion, chaos and violent protests in several airports across the USA, a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, at first granted a temporary reprieve of the ban asking Airport Authorities not to deport travellers. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travellers to stay.

Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at Airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the court’s decision, but legal experts say the bigger fight lay ahead. The court action has only given a temporary respite, not reversed Trump’s order. Meanwhile, Protesters returned to the streets again on Sunday in major US cities after the unprecedented protest against Trump’s inaugural last week to denounce his policy most Americans say are dividing the nation and making life of citizens uncertain.
Trump is proving he is ignorant about how the nations work. What will happen if the Muslim countries ban Americans entering their countries? All American investment and trade will come to a halt. We reconfirm our faith in the greatness of the American people. But their new President is mentally sick and unfit for the great nation.
