First ever successful tumour operation, bypass surgery completed simultaneously


For the first time in Chittagong Metropolitan Hospital, a dual operation of heart tumour and bypass surgery successfully completed simultaneously on October 22.
Cardiatic Surgery team led by Chief Cardiatic Surgeon Dr Sarwar Kamal successfully completed the complicated dual operation of one Khaleda Begum(65).
The cardiatic patient hails from Hill-View Society of the city and wife of late Abul Kashem Talukder.
Cardiati surgeon Dr Shariful Islam, cardiatic anesthiologist Dr Sumon Sikder and other related physicians assisted the chief cardiatic surgeon Dr Sarwar Kamal, hospital sources said.
Younger brother of the patient and Officer- In-charge of Kotwali thana of CMP Jasimuddin told that after detecting her pains in the chest, the patient was rushed to cardiologist Dr Ibrahim Chowdhury where finally detected tumour in heart and advised surgical operation immediately.
Then we took the patient to Cardiovascular surgeon Dr.Sarwar Kamal in Metropolitan Hospital. While contacted Dr.Sarwar Kamal told the New Nation that beside the heart tumour, I find a block in heart artery after doing Angiogram . After different tests in heart, the cardic team o f the hospital underwent operation in heart and bypass surgery simultaneously .
The patient now well and taking food as per advice of the physicians. Our Chittagong bureau chief Sarwaruddin yesterday visited the Metropolitan Hospital and talked with Dr Sarwar Kamal and the patient Khaleda Begum.
 The patient talked with our reporter as usually, he said.
