First ever cruise ship to launch on Cox’s Bazar-St Martin route

Our Correspondent :
The country’s first ever luxury passenger ship the “MV Bay One” is currently moments away from setting out on its maiden journey on the Cox’s Bazar-Saint Martin route.
State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism Md Mahbub Ali, State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, and Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury are expected to jointly inaugurate the cruise ship services at Patenga’s
Water Bus Terminal in Chittagong city on Sunday.
Soon after the inaugural ceremony, the ship will set sail for Cox’s Bazar.
Karnafuly Ship Builders imported the cruise ship with 2,000 seats from Japan in September and had it moored in Chittagong ever since.
According to sources, the previous name of the MV Bay One ship was Salvia Maru, which was built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan’s Kobe city.
Equipped with all state of the art amenities, the cruise ship is 118m long and 17m wide. It is capable of running at a speed of around 20 nautical miles per hour with a gross tonnage of approximately 6,200 tons.
A jetty has already been constructed at Dariya Nagar area of Cox’s Bazar Marine Drive to operate the ship with 50 VVIP cabins.
“It will also boost the tourism sector,” he hoped.
“It will take two and half hours to reach Saint Martin’s Island from Cox’s Bazar by the ship. If the government approves, we will procure more such ships through which the Hajj pilgrims will be able to reach Saudi Arabia within a week,” he added.