Jt meet with Myanmar Tuesday: First batch to Rohingyas may go back before polls

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh and Myanmar will sit together on Tuesday to discuss the Rohingya repatriation issues as there is “intensive efforts” to begin the repatriation, at least completion of the first batch of verified Rohingya repatriation before the next national election, officials indicate.
The joint working group meeting between Bangladesh and Myanmar on Rohingya repatriation will be held here on October 30 which will discuss how the repartition will start, a senior Foreign Ministry official told UNB.
There is a chance to complete the first batch of repatriation of the verified Rohingyas before the next national election though it is difficult to predict about such a complex issue, said a diplomatic source adding that China is pushing for quick implementation of repatriation agreements between Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Visiting Chinese Minister and Party Committee Secretary of the Ministry of Public Security Zhao Kezhi and his Bangladesh counterpart also discussed the Rohingya issue on Friday.
The Bangladesh side sought China’s role in repatriating Rohingya people from Bangladesh to their homes in Myanmar.
“There’ll be a tripartite meeting among Bangladesh Foreign Minister and his Chinese and Myanmar counterparts where they will discuss the issue further,” said Minister Asaduzzaman Khan.
But the Home Minister did not elaborate when and where this meeting will be held.
Similar meetings were held in New York and Beijing  
on the sidelines in the past months that indicate pressure on Myanmar is mounting.
However, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said China always believes that the international community should play a constructive role in the Rakhine State issue, and its actions should be conducive to promoting consultation and cooperation between Myanmar and Bangladesh.
Foreign Ministry officials said, the Bangladesh side of joint working group is likely to discuss the broad issues on Sunday before the joint working group meeting that will be held on Tuesday in the capital city.
The joint working group members from both sides will visit Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar on October 31. “They’ll have interactions Rohingyas,” an official told UNB.
He said, Bangladesh will seek updates on what steps are taken for the safe and sustainable return of Rohingyas to their homeland Myanmar from Bangladesh.
Bangladesh wants to make sure that the Rohingyas who are expected to return to Myanmar in the first batch of repatriation may have houses and other facilities to live in their own villages.
“We’ve completed the village-wise verification of 8,000 Rohingyas to know who came from which village. We want to make sure they can start living in houses in their own villages,” said Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali on October 15.
The Foreign Minister mentioned that India has built 250 houses while China is building 1,000 more. “The returnees will first stay at reception centres n Myanmar and then will go to their villages.”