COVID-19 Global death toll hits 1,86, 929


News Desk :
The death from coronavirus reached 1,86, 929 while infected 26,72,221 in 210 countries and territories around the world and recovered 7,30, 725, according to worldometer.
The total death toll from coronavirus reached 47,684 while infected 8,49,092 in the United States. Officials are attempting to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S. as hospitals manage unprecedented patient surges.
More than 4.4 million laid-off workers applied for U.S. unemployment benefits last week as job cuts escalated across an economy that remains all but shut down, the government said Thursday.
Roughly 26 million people have now filed for jobless aid in the five weeks since the coronavirus outbreak began forcing millions of employers to close their doors. About one in six American workers have now lost their jobs since mid-March, by far the worst string of layoffs on record. Economists have forecast that the unemployment rate for April could go as high as 20%.
The enormous magnitude of job cuts has plunged the U.S. economy into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Some economists say the nation’s output could shrink by twice the amount that it did during the Great Recession, which ended in 2009.
The city of Westport, Connecticut, announced plans Tuesday to test a “pandemic drone” capable of detecting fevers and coughs.
“The goal is to provide better health monitoring support for potential at-risk groups, including seniors, as well as for gathering crowds at beaches, train stations, parks and recreation areas and shopping centers,” a statement from the Westport Police Department said, adding, “It will not be used in individual private yards, nor does it employ facial recognition technology.”
A paper published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed extremely poor outcomes for the sickest patients battling the novel coronavirus in New York’s largest hospital system.
According to the paper, 88% of the 320 COVID-19 patients tracked in the study died, while only 20% of all hospitalized patients during the same time period died, The Washington Post reported.
