Fire Safety Caution Is The Principal Saviour


Following the recent fire at the Corona ICU unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and the previous fire at Suhrawardy Hospital, it is learned that out of 423 hospitals in the capital, a total of 316 hospitals are at risk, including 105 at high risk. Authorities say the condition of only six hospitals is relatively satisfactory. Most hospitals do not have adequate firefighting facilities. There is no provision on how to put out fires and evacuate patients. There is no steep stairway to get the patient down quickly. Many people are admitted to the hospital in a multi-storey building without fire safety certificate. Although many hospitals have been built day after day, the elevator stairs of the hospital have been constructed in such a way that it is not possible to bring down the patients and relatives immediately in case of fire.
Unfortunately the buildings and markets are being constructed in Bangladesh without following the building code. Developed countries have many rules. For example: in case of fire, the head should be covered with a wet towel, the lower part of the door should be closed so that no smoke enters. But most of our buildings do not have the conditions to apply these. So the most important thing is to build the building properly. Emergency exit at Banani’s FR Tower was closed during the time fire occurred. It is clear that the construction of the building did not follow the rules. There was also a lack of maintenance and training. However, our garment factories are obeying the rules under the pressure of foreign buyers. Their staff is undergoing training.
To make a building adequately fireproof, it is essential to follow a few specific steps. The most effective way to provide fire safety is to completely eliminate the possible causes of the fire. Prevent it. But it is not possible to eliminate all the causes technically. Besides, it is also not possible to prevent hundred percent. So along with resistance, security must also be maintained. The combination of these two creates a complete fire safety system. Despite some minor imperfections, our National Building Code indicates this complete system of fire safety. If the code of fire safety system of the building is planned, installed and maintained regularly, it is possible to make all the buildings fire safety or to limit the fire risk to acceptable levels.
Proper engineering and technical knowledge is required for quality fire safety planning. The issue of fire safety in engineering education in our country is still completely neglected. This specialized branch requires a multidisciplinary curriculum based on an integrated curriculum in architecture, civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. There are no trained fire protection engineers in this country. The time has come to establish the Fire Protection and Safety Institute at BUET to create opportunities for appropriate education and research on fire safety. It is also necessary to make it mandatory to have the post of fire safety engineer in the regulatory bodies and the organizations that work on the design and installation of fire safety systems.
According to the Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense, the number of fire accidents in Bangladesh from 2009 to 2020 was in the millions, killing more than 20,000 people. According to them, the main causes of the fire are three – electrical disturbances, stove fires and cigarette fires. Eighty percent of all fires are caused by these three factors. We only notice the reaction after an accident like a fire. In fact, we have to do the job. In case of illness, the management of the hospital is also a matter to be looked into. The same is true in this case.
In order to avoid future accidents, it is important to implement TIB’s 10-point recommendations, such as formulating policies to compensate the victims of any accident. Adequate compensation should be given to the families affected by the fire and arrangements should be made for their rehabilitation; To form a national chemical risk management committee nationally with the concerned agencies and experts of the government to formulate guidelines and formulate policies on chemical safety; Locals and businesses need to be made aware of the risks of fire and increase their participation in decision making; Identify risky and illegal factories, close them or relocate them in the short term as an interim measure; Old Dhaka fire risky buildings need to have their own fire extinguishing and emergency exit system. Adequate number of fire hydrants should be installed; The licensing process for the establishment of chemical warehouses and factories should be made mandatory and transparent; The law should ensure the necessary powers of RAJUK, Department of Factories and Inspection, Department of Environment, Department of Explosives, City Corporation and other concerned institutions to take immediate action by ensuring accountability in case of violation of law; Etc.
The fire service needs to be strengthened. Their manpower and improved equipment are urgently needed. It is also important to follow the fire safety code during the construction of the building, organize regular fire fighting training and drills for the occupants of the building and have wide roads for fire service vehicles in residential areas. In this case, the fire service will cooperate if you want. What to do if there is a fire, they will show everything. Above all, carelessness is the main cause of fire.

(Dr.Forqan is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP)
